Cinderella | |||||||||||
The Interactive Geometry Software | Links | ||||||||||
The Cinderella Community |
This place is dedicated to the people that use Cinderella. Here are links to some pages that use Cinderella for geometry on the web:
Ruben Pulido | Spanish pages from Ruben Pulido |
Eckhard Hitzer | Very interesting and well done pages, based on material found in David Hestens, New Foundations for Classical Mechanics, Kluwer 1999: vectors - outer product - triangle - rotations - oscillations - circular polarized waves - conics (Englisch). |
Leo Dorst | Leo Dorst is a researcher in geometrical issues in robotics. His pages show some of his work related to Lego robot designs and geometric algebra. (Englisch) |
Goebel/Malitte | Virtual Pantographs - very nice material (German) that may also be suited for arts classes. |
Gaby Heintz | A german educational website showing the use of Cinderella in interactive exercises. (German) |
Karlheinz Haas | Classic Geometry in an interactive way (German). |
Juan Carlos Alvarez | An introduction to projective Geometry. |
Hans-Dieter Rinkens | A complete lecture on "Elements of Geometry" (German). |
Jaume Bartrolí Brugués | Constructions concerning 2D vectors (in Catalan) |
Jim Loy | Very nice animated loci constructed by Jim Loy (also a lot of other interesting math material!) |
Wilson Stothers | Wilson Stothers has put together some examples of interesting constructions involving conics. |
June Lester | June Lesters' triangle explorations. |
Rainer Witt | How can you use Cinderella in architecture? (in German) |
Hermann Vogel | Some examples regarding the use of interactive geometry software in teaching. |
Mathsnet | A great resource for mathematics education with the help of computers. The first site that used Examples created with Cinderella! |
Franco Saliola | Franco Saliola shows how to use the hyperbolic geometry part of Cinderella for explorations in non-euclidean geometry. |
Artico/Rossetto | Prof. Artico and prof. Rossetto from italy have prepared some nice webpages about two presentations they gave at the XXVIII National Seminar of Centro Ricerche Didattiche U. Morin. They show some examples of loci constructions and they have an introduction to non-Euclidean geometry (in Italian). |
Thomas Weth | Prof. Thomas Weth shows interesting Loci related to special lines in triangles (in German). |
Thomas Weth | Definitions of elementary concepts in geometry (in German). |
Thomas Weth | Ruler and compass constructions of elementary geometry (in German). |
David Eppstein | Nice constructions concerning tangencies of circles. Includes a lot of theorems that demonstrate the beauty of geometry. |
Did you create nice examples with Cinderella? Do you have a geometry related web site? Or are you doing geometry research? Then ask us to put a link here! Write a mail to that briefly describes your page(s) and maybe yourself.
©1997-2002 Jürgen Richter-Gebert & Ulrich Kortenkamp. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Cinderella is independent of Sun Microsystem, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders. Questions? Mail to! Last change: Mon Sep 13 12:54:23 2004